Puppets and Puppeteers

Introducing the Upstanders and their new video “The Cool Puppeteers – Leo Learns a Lesson.”

Click here to watch the video




Jan Gurley Booker is the Director of our Puppeteers. She says, “We are hoping that the children with whom we make contact will think about how they can help others—by standing up with them if they are teased or bullied, by going with another child to report bullying or lack of respect, by being willing to befriend a child who might be in the hottest with another aggressive child.
One of our main tenets is that instead of being BYSTANDERS, kids can become UPSTANDERS; students who will stand up for themselves and others.  We also try to teach the concept of self-respect. Can a child, or any one of us, look in the mirror and see the best side of oneself, the strong side, the person who is full of his or her own particular talents.
The puppeteers really care about children in general and find joy in meeting with them and seeing their faces light up in pleasure, recognition and surprise”.


The CAHT Puppeteers presented an anti-bullying Puppet Show at the Shields Middle School Cares Day Event.




The Puppeteers Group practicing with Elementary Ed
Anti-bullying puppeteers


