It’s Time to renew your CAHT Membership!!
The CAHT annual membership contribution is $30. We are a 501(c) (3) volunteer organization dedicated to funding as many other nonprofit organizations throughout the tri-county that are on the front line of providing safe homes, rehabilitation services, human trafficking prevention programs, plus supplies and other needs to our law enforcement and schools. We thrive on donations to help victims of human trafficking – both boys and girls! Your annual contribution helps us achieve our mission. Attached is our new membership application. Please fill out and return with your $30 to CAHT, PO Box 5491, Sun City Center, FL 33571.
Make your check out to Campaign Against Human Trafficking–Southshore, Inc. or CAHT. You can also go to our CAHT Website and click on “How You Can Help”, “donation”, then “donate to membership”.
Start the new year with an invaluable gift to human trafficking survivors –help them find their voice and lost freedom!!!
Any questions, email Diane at